Leadership development coaching
God develops us over our entire lifetime.
Do you know where you are at in your development?
It’s not a question of “if” God has been at work in your life, but “how”
How God develops us
God uses people, events, and circumstances
It’s about both: character (being) and what we do (doing)
There are three major stages of development and transitions
Life-long leadership development
Identify a big-picture perspective of your stage of development and plan to move forward with core tools
Leaders develop over a lifetime, and three strategic transitions significantly impact a person's leadership development. These transitions are unique to life stages (20-30s, 40-50s, 60s+) and experiences.
20-30s focus: life direction, values, purpose, and personal vision
40-50s focus: your unique role and contribution, decision-making process, how to say “no”
60-70s focus: finishing well, leaving a legacy and entrustment for others
What feels unclear about the future?
What could we talk about that might help?
What does your past, or the things you have already done, reveal about passions and possibilities?
Talk about the few things you would love to do more of, or focus on, if you just had more time.
What choices do you know you need to make in the days ahead to be able to do more of what God has shaped you to do?
60s to 70s
Talk about what you think when it comes to “finishing well?”
How has/does God use you to influence others, regardless of your position or job?
Become the leader you desire to be
Provide clarity on how God's been at work using a timeline tool
Clarify personal values and a core conviction
Fuel a greater passion for intimacy with Christ
Bring focus to life direction and discern what might be next
Find a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment and calling
* Provide clarity on how God's been at work using a timeline tool
* Identify your sweet spot to clarify your unique role
* Find courage and confidence to live out your most significant impact
* Draft a decision-making grid to say "no" to the good things and "yes" to the best.
If you are in your 60 to 70s and have been wrestling with what it means to be faithful to God in “retirement”, or with what it looks like to mentor and empower others, the Resonance process can help you find your way on the final leg of the journey.
I found Ivan insightful, and his questions definitely helped me when I got stuck. He was able to pick up the different tensions that I couldn’t quite describe and reiterate them in a way that I could perceive better. I found Him encouraging and gentle as well. I’m not sure if I could ask for a better result. This coaching season has been a liberating and clarifying time for me.
- David, Pastor
If you’ve ever wondered what God’s purpose is for your life and how you can best live out your purpose, the Apex program with Life Duo is for you! I walked away with a renewed purpose and clarity on who God made me to be, the talents I was born with, and how God has been shaping me since childhood to fulfill my purpose.
- Soo, Attorney